The Course Approach

Some professional bodies are more focusing on financial accounting and finance field while the other’s focal point is towards management accounting and performance pillar. Whereas some more concentrate on taxation and auditing things, and some feel that decision making and financial investment is much more important that’s why they are producing financial accountants, management accounts, public accountants, financial analysts and taxations experts etc. Therefore, we tried our level best that the student of our CPA Programme should have the diverse knowledge of all major areas and the employer will have more pleasure to hire our qualified accountants.
In CPA New Curriculum the approach is based on cognitive and constructivist learning process. The detail is given in later parts. However, CPA Curriculum introduced knowledge management or our valued members through two sub-approaches:
1) In Knowledge pillars or Vertical approach, their performance is monitored through important knowledge areas in which they will have to be excelling in real marketplace.
2) The Foundation or Level based learning or Horizontal approach, which can be termed as Traditional approach, takes the trainee students in a natural flow from basics and operational level learning to managerial and strategic level skills development to achieve required competency level.
The members are required to pass 5 stages / awards to qualify the superior designation of CPA:
1. Foundation in Public Accounting
2. Certificate in Public Accounting
3. Diploma in Public Accounting
4. Advanced Diploma in Public Accounting
5. Competency Level Test
Award of Certified Public Accountant
We have designed the unique educational product having six following pillars. It is our programme differentiation and gives our qualified CPAs a comparative advantage in the real marketplace, (complete course lists of Old and New Syllabus is given in the following pages)
A. Taxation and Laws pillar
B. Investment and Reporting pillar
C. Enterprise pillar
D. Finance pillar
E. Performance pillar
F. Audit pillar

The course is also divided into five levels: –
1. Foundation level
2. Operational level
3. Management level
4. Strategic level
5. Competence level