
1. CPA (Certified Practising Accountant)
The Certified Public Accountant designation is the hallmark of a highly qualified, ethical accounting professional. Highly regarded by business, regulators, and members of the public, Certified Public Accountants can look forward to a rewarding career.
PAC/PPA/Graduate/Masters/Professional Certificates and experience also
2. CFC (Certified Financial Consultant)
The Institute of Financial Consultants (IFC) is an international professional organization with a worldwide membership. IFC is chartered in the USA. The Certified Financial Consultant ® mark is registered with US Government Patent & Trade Mark Office, USA, and with the National Certification Commission, USA.
Our global membership has established the Certified Financial Consultant ® (CFC) as a respected designation for financial professionals who want to establish their competence and dedication. The Institute of Financial Consultants is recognized around the world by both employers and clients as a sign of the highest ethical and professional competence.
How to get certified:
The Certified Financial Consultant ® (CFC) designation is offered 100% online and is designed for high achieving individuals who want to take the next major step along their career path within a vast range of key financial areas. The 5 module program comprising the CFC designation will give you vital knowledge and skills in a particular business discipline – without the need to enrol on a long-term program.
3. Forensic Accountant and Investigative Auditor
There is no Institution in Pakistan except The Institute of Forensic Accountants of Pakistan (IFAP) which offers professional courses Forensic Accounting, Forensic Auditing, Forensic Investigation, Fraud Examination and its allied area/subjects. The courses offered by other Institutes and the Commerce Faculties of the various Universities of Pakistan at the bachelors and master levels, are of academic nature only, as they do not fulfil the conditions which an Institution is required to inherit to be described as a Body of Professional Education.
Persons eligible for admission as students will be at least graduates in Commerce or Business Administration of Arts or Science or any equivalent qualification/discipline.