Chapter Contact Detail

Then Islamabad and Federal Capital Area regions’ students registration and membership services for and on behalf of CPAPRO® (UK) shall be managed by the “HAWKS Consulting”, headed by Mr. Mohammad Salman Waheed
How to “Become a CPA”
Admission / Registration Procedure:
- Intend to “Become a CPA”
- Email your latest CV via your local chapter or:
- CPA evaluators will inform you about your Entry Level & Route after assessing your:
- Accredited Prior Educational Learning (APEL)
- Accredited Prior Experiential Learning (APEL)
- Credit Transfer Facility / Possibilities (CTF)
- Coaching / Financial Training Facility near your location (CFTF)
- Exemptions / Evaluation Fact Sheet stating your total exemptions
- Your Evaluation will be sent to your nearest local chapter to assist you
- Download and Fill the AE-III Form and arrange all required documents
- Deposit the required Registration / Evaluation Fee into official bank accounts
- Email scanned copies to us via:
- Your credentials will be verified by your local chapter or official learning provider
- After confirmation report, you will become an Affiliate CPA / Registered Student Member
Course Completion Procedure:
- To secure, pay your exemptions fee against your exemptions granted
- You will be issued official Exemption Certificate and Student Membership Card
- Choose your convenient study route from below:
- Regular student route via coaching center (selected locations)
- Distance learning or Self-study route (under mentorship)
- Fast-Track route (if you meet the minimum both APEL requirement)
- Complete the gap between actual and minimum required course credit hours
- Deposit the enrolment / examination fee against your non-exempted subjects
- Appear for exam (will be conducted by your local chapter or coaching center)
- You will be issued Internal Official Transcript by your local chapter or coaching center
Qualify to Become a CPA:
- Complete CPD / CPE hours to fulfill minimum experience requirement
- Your local chapter will forward your completion report to us for final issuance
- You will be issued Official Transcript, CPA Membership Certificate and M-Card
Maintain your CPA Designation:
- Update your CPD / CPE minimum hours every year
- Renew your membership when it becomes due
- Upgrade your designation when eligible:
- Associate Certified Public Accountant (ACPA)
- Fellow Certified Public Accountant (FCPA)
- Practicing Certificate (PC or COP)
Avail other Membership Benefits:
- Dual degree options from CIMA-BVI (upon submission of 10,000 words dissertation):
- BSc (Accounting & Finance)
- MBA (Finance/A&F/HRM/Banking/Project Management/Islamic Finance)
- MSc (Forensic Accounting & Forensic Auditing)
- Supporting professional certifications:
- Institute of Financial Accountants (IFA) UK
- Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) Australia
- Professional Business Accountant (PBA) Canada
- Certified Forensic & Investigative Auditor (CFIA)
- Certified Fraud Investigator (CFI)
- Certified Forensic Loan Auditor (CFLA)
- Forensic & Investigative Analyst (FIA)
- And many more …
Note: The applicants from affiliated professional bodies are required to apply along-with duly filled AFM-I Form. Upon receiving the required documentation, they will be sent fee invoice at reduced rates applicable to respective bodies’ members as per the Associations bye-laws, Memorandum and Articles of Association.