Examination Policy

- Eligibility:
The following regulations cover the eligibility requirements for taking the CPA examination:
- Regular Students:
The students, who are enrolled under the Coaching Course program (through Official Learning Providers, Regional Partners or duly approved Independent Coaching Centers) in a particular session, must have attended at least 75% lectures in the class and secured 60% marks in Class Test, Class Presentation and Class Participation in order to become eligible to appear in the final examination of the subject.
- Distance Learning:
The students, who are enrolled under the Correspondence Course programme, must have submitted 100% assignments on or before 20th May and 20th November, and must have obtained 60% marks in each assignment.
- Publishable Articles Submission:
The same conditions are applied for Publishable Articles submission. The article submission to replace the examination / assignment credits is subject to the approval of Academic / Examination Committee.
Examination Progression Scheme
The students, who are eligible for exemptions and join the CPA for the first time, are allowed to appear for examination in a maximum of two Stages at a time, including any partially exempted Stage,. In order to progress to the next higher stage, they must pass the lowest level Stage in which they are enrolled.
- For PAC
• A student can appear in any subject of Foundation Level III examination, if he/she has passed all the papers of Foundation Level I Examination.
• A student can appear in any subject of Foundation Level IV examination, if he/she has passed all the papers of Foundation Level I & II Examination. - For PPA
• A student can appear in any subject of Foundation Level III examination, if he/she has passed all the papers of Foundation Level I Examination.
• A student can appear in any subject of Foundation Level IV examination, if he/she has passed all the papers of Foundation Level I & II Examination. - For CPA after PAC
• A student can appear in any subject of Final Level examination, if he/she has passed all the papers of Professional Level I Examination - For CPA after PPA
• A student can appear in any subject of Professional Level II and Final Level Examination. A student can appear for the exam of both modules (6 subjects in one attempt) at one sitting. - For CPA –Regular scheme
• A student can appear in any subject of Professional Level I examination, if he/she has passed all the papers of Foundation Level I Examination.
• A student can appear in any subject of Professional Level II examination, if he/she has passed all the papers of Foundation Level II Examination.
• A student can appear in any subject of Final Level examination, i he/she has passed all the papers of Professional Level I Examination.
• A student can appear for all subjects of PII and Final Level, if he/she has passed all the papers of Professional Level I Examination
• If a student has to appear only in PII and Final Level Examination based on the exemptions, He can appear for all subjects of both levels at same time (one sitting).
Work Experience Requirement
- Work experience plays a very important role in the profession of accounting.
- What students learn in the classroom can only be suitably applied to a specific job of an enterprise. Keeping in view this important aspect, it has been decided to make it compulsory for the students to obtain at least 3Years practical experience as indicated below:
- The experience may be in the form of internship, full time or part time, paid or unpaid job in any organization. The experience should be in the field of financial accounting, cost accounting, finance and banking, internal or external auditing, treasury or any other accounting or management-related area.
- Part time job must be at least of three hours per day and would be treated as 60% of a full time job in terms of time. It will be the responsibility of the students to get the job.
Examination Application
- Examinations are conducted twice a year in June and December.
- Applications for examination are to be submitted by the candidates on the prescribed form, which may be downloaded from the website of the CPA. Applications providing complete details should be sent so as to reach the Association on or before the prescribed date. Applications for examination are to be accepted only if all the requirements, including payment of all dues, have been met.
- All outstanding dues, including annual subscription, must be paid along with examination fee, through pay order/demand draft or deposit voucher.
- Candidates are advised to write their full name as well as mailing address on the examination application forms, legibly and in block letters to ensure correct mailing and delivery at the stated address. Examination application forms, which are incomplete or do not meet these requirements, are likely to be rejected.
Instructions For the Examinees
- On receipt of their Admit Card/Slip, the candidates are advised to check the particulars entered therein. Inaccuracy, if any, must be brought immediately to the notice of the Director Examination.
- Examinees must possess and be ready to produce on demand their Identity Card, Student
- Registration Card and Admit Card, issued by the Association, failing which they may not be allowed to appear in the examination.
- If a candidate is late by more than thirty minutes, he/she will not be allowed to enter the examination premises. Similarly, no examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall earlier than one hour after the commencement of the examination.
- No candidate is allowed to change the seat allocated to him/her for a particular examination paper without the permission of the Centre Supervisor, who has the authority to change or interchange seats of any candidate, if circumstances so demand. Candidates found reluctant will be liable to disciplinary action.
- Possession of books, notes, previous question papers, course outlines and other related matter on any subject, if brought to the examination hall, should be handed over to the invigilator before the commencement of the examination and taken back when leaving the examination hall.
- Candidates found talking, whispering, gossiping or seeking assistance or exchanging notes or answer scripts and so on with any person, possessing any notes or using any unfair means, shall be asked to leave the examination premises at once, and a note to this effect will be inserted on his/her script for the attention of the examiner, along with a simultaneous report to the Examination Department for further necessary action.
- Candidates must make sure that they have received the appropriate question paper from the invigilator so as to avoid any confusion in this regard.
- The examinees, on receipt of blank answer scripts and supplementary sheets in the examination hall, should instantly record their roll numbers and registration numbers thereon.
- If so required, candidate may ask for additional supplementary sheets, graph paper and logtable from the invigilator.
- Only fountain pen or ballpoint with blue or black ink should be used for writing answer scripts. No marks will be given for questions attempted with pencil.
- Candidates must answer the questions exactly in the manner as they are printed on the paper.
- Amendments and corrections may be accepted only if the Examination Supervisor or any other appropriate authority of the Examination Centre announces them officially.
- Candidates must start the answer of each question from the new page. They should put down question number, its part and sub-part on each page of answer script so as to facilitate correct assessment of the answers.
- Candidates should not, as far as possible, leave any blank page in the answer script. In case it is unavoidable, the examinees should put a cross line (/), meeting the two ends of the blank page.
- Candidates must tie up all supplementary sheets, graph papers, working papers and rough sheets to the main script at least five minutes before the examination time is over. He/she should arrange them in correct sequence with sufficient space left for an easy reading of the answer before handing it over to the invigilator.
- No candidate is allowed to take away examination stationery from the examination hall.
- Every candidate must ensure to sign the attendance sheet for each examination paper available with the invigilator.
- The examination timetable is supplied along with roll number slips to the candidates.
- Students should carefully note the examination center, date and timings of the papers and also ascertain, in advance, the exact location of the examination center.
- During the examination, an examinee may use the washroom/toilet facility, subject to permission of the Examination Supervisor.
- Refreshments are not permitted in the examination hall.
- The examinees are not allowed to bring mobile phone, PDA, Laptop, Pocket PC, Arms & ammunition or any type of computers in the examination hall.
- The examinees are not allowed to write anything on question paper.
- No irrelevant appealing or indecent sentences should be written in the answer script. This will be treated as an unfair means and dealt with accordingly.
- The above mentioned rules pre-suppose that the candidates have duly submitted the requisite examination applications on the prescribed form and completed all other formalities in this regard and that the same have been accepted and approved by the appropriate authority of the Association.
Examination Results
- Communication Of Examination Results
The result of the examination in the form of a Grade Sheet is communicated to each candidate at the mailing address mentioned in the examination application form. Students, who do not receive the Grade Sheets within a month from the date of official announcement of the results, should contact us for a duplicate copy. The result is also uploaded on the Association’s website.
- Passing Percentage
Passing percentage in the examination of each subject is 60%.
Grade Equivalence & Performance
Grade Equivalent |
Passing Mark 60 |
EX |
A |
B |
C |
D |
Exempt |
87-100 |
77-86 |
67-76 |
60-66 |
Member’s Overall Performance |
Total Credits
120 + Approved |
Min. Req |
Exam Hrs |
CTF Hrs |
APL Hrs |
Articles |
120 |
As Required After Evaluation |
Approved Current Study |
Approved & Accredited Prior Learning |
As Applied & duly Approved |
Examination Grading Criteria
The following codes are used on the Grade Sheets sent to examinees after the announcement of the result of each examination::
The following codes are used on the Grade Sheets sent to examinees after the announcement of the result of each examination::
Pass: Level Passed
Fail: Level Failed
AB: Absent
EX: Exemption granted on the basis of other qualifications/experience.
PE: Permanent exemption in the subject on the basis of examination.