CPA New Curriculum

The New CPA Curriculum Bring To Higher Standards of Learning
CPA Curriculum Experts Panel Report In January 2013, The Association of International Certified Public Accountants Academic Council suggested The Framework for International CPAs Curriculum which advised the association CPA Curriculum Review. Since then, the association Board of Directors has been considering the council’s recommendations, informed by the consultation with key stakeholders, including subject experts and regional representatives of the Public Accounting & Finance profession from UK, Pakistan, Malaysia and UAE. To design a truly international and comparable curriculum, the course structures of the most prominent accounting bodies of the world were considered e.g. United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, USA, Malaysia and Pakistan: –
• ACA (ICAEW) The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, UK
• ACCA (UK) The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, UK
• CMA (CIMA) Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, UK
• CPA (Ireland) The Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Ireland
• MICPA (Malaysia) Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants
• CMA (ICMAP) Institute of Cost and Management Accounts of Pakistan
• CA (ICAP) The Institute of Chartered Accounts of Pakistan
• CPA (ICPAP) The Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Pakistan
• CPA (Australia) Australia
• CPA (AICPA) American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, USA
• CMA (IMA) The Institute of Management Accountants, USA
• CFA (CFAI) CFA Institute, USA
The experts’ notes to the course structures of above mentioned accounting professional bodies are given in excel file (CPA complete structure), which can be downloaded and viewed separately. The CPA New Curriculum is more demanding and comparable than the existing syllabus. It aligns The Association of International Certified Public Accountants with IFAC’s standards and other CPA & professional bodies of the world, as shown from the following table:

By raising standards in the following pillars, the revised curriculum makes it unique, differentiate and global in nature & course structure to well equip the qualified CPAs to do more advanced work and excel globally in Public Accounting & Finance field:
1. Taxation and Laws pillar
2. Investment and Reporting pillar
3. Enterprise pillar
4. Finance pillar
5. Performance pillar
6. Audit pillar
For further detail or record your comments on revised curriculum, please write to:
Attn: Mr. Ahmad Noor
Controller Examination
Army Public College of Management Sciences (APCOMS)