Chapter Contact Detail

Then Punjab (Pakistan) regions’ students registration and membership services for and on behalf of CPAPRO® (UK) shall be managed by the “Umar Law Associates”, headed by Mr. Umar Hayat

How to “Become a CPA”

Admission / Registration Procedure:
  1. Intend to “Become a CPA
  2. Email your latest CV via your local chapter or:
  3. CPA evaluators will inform you about your Entry Level & Route after assessing your:
    • Accredited Prior Educational Learning (APEL)
    • Accredited Prior Experiential Learning (APEL)
    • Credit Transfer Facility / Possibilities (CTF)
    • Coaching / Financial Training Facility near your location (CFTF)
    • Exemptions / Evaluation Fact Sheet stating your total exemptions
  4. Your Evaluation will be sent to your nearest local chapter to assist you
  5. Download and Fill the AE-III Form and arrange all required documents
  6. Deposit the required Registration / Evaluation Fee into official bank accounts
  7. Email scanned copies to us via:
  8. Your credentials will be verified by your local chapter or official learning provider
  9. After confirmation report, you will become an Affiliate CPA / Registered Student Member
Course Completion Procedure:
  1. To secure, pay your exemptions fee against your exemptions granted
  2. You will be issued official Exemption Certificate and Student Membership Card
  3. Choose your convenient study route from below:
    • Regular student route via coaching center (selected locations)
    • Distance learning or Self-study route (under mentorship)
    • Fast-Track route (if you meet the minimum both APEL requirement)
  4. Complete the gap between actual and minimum required course credit hours
  5. Deposit the enrolment / examination fee against your non-exempted subjects
  6. Appear for exam (will be conducted by your local chapter or coaching center)
  7. You will be issued Internal Official Transcript by your local chapter or coaching center
Qualify to Become a CPA:
  1. Complete CPD / CPE hours to fulfill minimum experience requirement
  2. Your local chapter will forward your completion report to us for final issuance
  3. You will be issued Official Transcript, CPA Membership Certificate and M-Card
Maintain your CPA Designation:
  1. Update your CPD / CPE minimum hours every year
  2. Renew your membership when it becomes due
  3. Upgrade your designation when eligible:
    • Associate Certified Public Accountant (ACPA)
    • Fellow Certified Public Accountant (FCPA)
    • Practicing Certificate (PC or COP)
Avail other Membership Benefits:
  1. Dual degree options from CIMA-BVI  (upon submission of 10,000 words dissertation):
    • BSc (Accounting & Finance)
    • MBA (Finance/A&F/HRM/Banking/Project Management/Islamic Finance)
    • MSc (Forensic Accounting & Forensic Auditing)
  2. Supporting professional certifications:
    • Institute of Financial Accountants (IFA) UK
    • Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) Australia
    • Professional Business Accountant (PBA) Canada
    • Certified Forensic & Investigative Auditor (CFIA)
    • Certified Fraud Investigator (CFI)
    • Certified Forensic Loan Auditor (CFLA)
    • Forensic & Investigative Analyst (FIA)
  3. And many more …

Note: The applicants from affiliated professional bodies are required to apply along-with duly filled AFM-I Form. Upon receiving the required documentation, they will be sent fee invoice at reduced rates applicable to respective bodies’ members as per the Associations bye-laws, Memorandum and Articles of Association.