The Importance of Certification

Apart from the traditional degree programme, today’s professional certifications are much more common and even more valuable that’s why the people pursued for specialized or professional certifications. These certifications are available in many fields e.g. medicine, computer sciences, accounting, finance, operations management, human resource management etc.  But here, we will restrict ourselves to only accounting and finance certifications. The employers also preferred to hire a person having certified professional qualification over the conventional degree candidates.  Because they view them as more technical, knowledgeable, skillful and experienced with compare to the un-certified; this gives competitiveness to the professional or chartered holder candidates.  In many surveys, majority of the chief finance officers (CFOs) and chief executive officer (CEOs) have repeatedly said that earning a certification is precious for an accounting or finance professionals career advancement.  Therefore, certain credentials have become principally desirable these includes certified public accountant (CPA), certified general accountant (CGA), certified internal auditor (CIA), certified fraud examiner (CFE), certified information system auditor (CISA), certified/chartered management accountant (CMA) and chartered accountant (CA).

The CPA qualification plays a very important role in Accounting & Finance fields. It assures a highly rewarding career, both for fresh graduates and experienced professionals. They have to produce comparable accounting and audit solutions, implement professional standards, and practice with business ethics that gives them a self-respect and respect amongst other professions. CPAs have to undergo a tough academic and practical training curriculum before earning the designation of Certified Public Accountant. The incorporation of technical, managerial, soft and hard skills brought them to the front of an organization like CFOs, CEOs, CS, Financial Controllers, Analysts and even a Champions of Change to lead the organization in highly dynamic marketplace.

It is highly difficult task to develop the course structure of any certification, degree or professional programme.  Because you need a lot of research and brainstorming; you need to know the market demand, the current available options, your competitors and cushion available in the market.  Then you decide to design your product with unique features which will not only compete with your rivals but also foresee how long it will be exclusive?  Some people spend less time on this job; resultantly their programme or product fails immediately as they launch it. But here we will not bore you to show the complex market data.

The Association of International Certified Public Accountants offered programme was designed after thoroughly studying the course structures of the most prominent accounting bodies of the world, e.g. United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, USA, Malaysia and Pakistan.During this study the following observations were noted:

• Many courses are overlapped
• Improper link within courses, levels, routing as well
• Improper flow of the courses
• Lack of focusing e.g. what kind of accountant we want to produce
• Specialized areas are not mentioned
• More focus on local accounting environment

Our qualified CPA displays exceptional thinking and anexpert grasp of business functions. This competency makes them unique and successful in the marketplace. Our CPAs are well equipped with greater analytical skills, ability to solve complex business problems, and ambition to achieve the best for all stakeholders.