Our Specialities

The CPA program of The Association of International CPAs is unique and different from CPA program offered by other professional bodies. Our CPA program is much comprehensive and functional in terms of learning outcome.

We have designed the unique educational product having six following pillars to enhance the horizontal learning of our members. It is our program differentiation and gives our qualified CPAs a comparative advantage in the real marketplace:-

1. Taxation and Laws pillar
2. Investment and Reporting pillar
3. Enterprise pillar
4. Finance pillar
5. Performance pillar
6. Audit pillar

To cover the vertical dimension of members’ learning, the course is divided into five levels: –

1. Foundation level
2. Operational level
3. Management level
4. Strategic level
5. Competence level

Our CPA Program is global in scope and not country specific. Candidate should be in a position function in markets across the globe. This further opens up job opportunity.

1. Global in design and outlook
2. Rigorous broad based intensive self-study graduate level program
3. Benefits include:

a. International recognition and competitive advantage in job market
b. Solid knowledge base and skill sets
c. Respect and Credibility

Our CPA Professional Programme (CPAPRO) launched & managed by The Association of International Certified Public Accountants and The Association of International Certified Practising Accountants, Inc. as non-government and non-profit international professional organizations backed by Federal Governments (UK & PK) licensing and having the IPs / trademark priority privileges in the country of origin